Last updated
Cloud Thinker is currently in beta. To get started, please login or sign up through our website.
Upon logging in, a default workspace is automatically created for you. From the Overview tab, you can customize both the workspace name and description according to your needs.
The beta version currently supports AWS Cloud, with support for other major public cloud providers like GCP and Azure coming soon.
Connecting your AWS account to the workspace is a crucial first step to unlock cost-saving opportunities through our AI Agents. In the Account tab, you'll need to provide some essential information in the AWS Account form:
Start by entering your AWS account details:
Provide a recognizable Account Name for easy identification
Enter your AWS Account ID
Select your Environment type (e.g., Development)
Add a helpful Description to remind you of this account's purpose
For security access, you'll need to enter:
Your AWS Access Key ID
The corresponding Secret Access Key
Choose how often you want to sync your AWS data:
Every 30 minutes for frequent updates
Or set up a Custom schedule
Select which AWS resources you want to monitor. Options include:
Database services (RDS)
Compute services (EC2, ECS, EKS)
Network services (VPC)
Finally, choose the AWS regions you want to monitor based on where your resources are deployed.
After completing all required fields (marked with *), click the Save button to create your AWS account connection.
Define your operation tasks
Resource Cost Optimization Analysis
Dive deep to your cloud resources like EC2, RDS, etc and finding optimization opportunities
Security findings
Dive deep to your cloud resources like VPC, EC2, Security Groups, etc and finding the security risks
Autonomous Right Sizing EC2 Instances
Dive deep to analyze the incident with Agents